The Customer is Always Right – Designs by Vee
**This page contains affiliate links to products I recommend. If you purchase something from this page, I may receive a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you** You have to love the customers who can NEVER find their size on the floor, & then can magically fit what’s on the mannequin. So you being the great associate that you are, you climb up, take off the arms and/or legs & hands off the mannequin and then proceed to take the small or extra small garment off and hand it over to the customer. (With a smile) The customer then proceeds to the fitting room, and in less than 10 minutes the customer speed walks out (empty handed nonetheless) and strolls right out the door. There are a number of things that could’ve happened between the time they got to the fitting room, and the swift exit strategy of walking out the door. Customers point of view:1. I love that sweater! That color will look good on me, I NEED IT!2. I probably can’t fit a extra small but you never know until you try. Hell, it looks like it runs big anyway!3. You ain’t doing no work anyway, get up there and TAKE THE CLOTHES off the manichean! Associates point of view:1. You better buy this damn sweater!2. Awww this will look great on you!3. I hope this is NOT for you. Motto here: The customer is Always Right
Designs by Vee