Retail Rants

Nothing in Life is FREE

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💕💕 Happy Valentine’s Day Loves 💕💕

Have you ever seen or met that ONE person who feels like EVERYTHING should basically be free? I mean literally wants to walk into the store and leave out with a receipt and NEVER touch their wallet and/or purse?

I run into customers like this EVERYDAY in my store. Not ONLY do I work at a outlet where everything is already heavily discounted, but then on top of that we actually have sales all the time. 😲

But that means nothing to “this” type of customer, and you ALWAYS know who they are! . They come in the store, bypass your greeting and walk straight to the clearance section. Now in the clearance section there is a sign that CLEARLY states how to calculate the clearance price and yet we still get asked the same infamous question.

“How much is this?” 😒

 Now I understand in most stores the red ticket is USUALLY the final sales price, but in our store you actually take the discount off the red tag price. So I get where that might be confusing to some.

At the same time you have those customers that seem to get joy out of pissing you off. If you ask “how much is this?” And I proceed to tell you “it will be 50% off of the $14.99” Please don’t look at ME like I’m stupid because I didn’t just rattle off the price to you. By me telling you it’s 50% off the price you see, I’ve legit done my job. So you don’t need to then proceed to find another item and then ask once again “can you tell me how much this is too?”

Even as I’m typing this my blood is starting to boil.😡 Being the good AND patient associate that I am, I answer their $7.49 question and walk away. 

Did you think the cheapness would stop there?

The Register

No, no it continues to the register. So now they are standing in front of me with all their clearance items and they want to know the price of every single item. Mind you, there is a screen in front of them that clearly states the price. But I guess if you can’t figure out 50% off the tag price then you’re clearly not smart enough to figure out what those numbers mean on the screen in front of you. 🙄

 But I digress….

The Stress Continues

So as I angrily read off EVERY price I hear “Oh that’s not right, I thought it said it was on clearance?” 😤 Grinds teeth, so in my mind I’m having a very unhealthy conversation with myself.  Would you like the inside scoop? 😈

Now all of a sudden yo ass know how to count? 15 minutes ago you couldn’t figure out what 50% off was nooooooow you want to question the price of EVERYTHING? Oh hell naw! You either want this ish or you don’t! I don’t have time to go back and forth with you! 🤬

Now to the customer my face and eyes says it all. I’m annoyed as f***. So instead of arguing with them I tell them nicely “the tag says 89.99” (proceeds to pull out the calculator) if you take $89.99 – 50% it equals “44.99”. They then look at each other and hold a five minute conversation then say “No we don’t want it“. 

We FINALLY get through the rest of the items and they then want to know “is there any coupons we can use?” My facial reaction says The F*** 😒

“Can we use our student discount?”

The Sass in me…

My thoughts: Now hold up playa. ✋ I call hella bullshit. You telling me you IN school and can’t do basic math? So like protocol I ask to see a valid ID. How convenient they want to put they big ass thumb over the persons picture.🤨 “Excuse me sir. I NEED TO SEE THE ID.

Ha! Not only is this NOT him…. (I was Extremely happy to say this part)

You can’t use a student discount on clearance” 😏 B****es! 😝😝😝🤣🤣🤣

Moral of the story: Nothing in life is FREE

Janie and Jack Sale on Now

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Want to see last week’s rant? Retail Rant #10

Shop SHEIN for the latest in Fall and Winter Fashions


    • admin

      🤣🤣 Nothing wrong with making your money stretch! I doubt you would ask for a coupon on a $7.49 item. It’s when you want a discount on top of nothing when I start looking at you crazy.

  • Byrdie

    Lmaooooooooooo!!!!! We want all the free clothes we can get, can I use these two coupons on separate transactions?!??! With my Military ID discount?!! 😆. These Rants crack me up. 👌🏽

    • admin

      🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am weak! Who could forget about the MILITARY DISCOUNT! OMG girl! Yaaaasssss we get that tooooo. I promise you I can’t make this stuff up! It’s funny now reading it but in real life I’m big mad! 😂😠

  • V3Artisans

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