Retail Rants

Can I Get Some Customer Service Please?!

The Disclaimer

First of all let’s get the title correct. I had to be proper due to the fact that I need this to be searchable on google but the correct way to say this title is: Can I Get Some Customer Service Pa-leese?! 🙄😒

There is no sugar coating this weeks rant ladies and gentlemen. (Per Usual) This is a fresh rant, literally happened to me last night. I am typically pretty approachable and willing to help customers. But this week in particular I’ve been suffering from this thing called allergies. Then mix that with this outside festival I went to called Dreamville and you will get a HOT MESS! (Aka ME)

Needless to say my spunk is obliterated and I was not in the mood to service any customers this week. (Full time or Part time) Did I mention that my voice has been gone since Monday?! Yeah, that part. Well regardless of my mood I will always service my customers. So let’s get on with it, shall we?

The Task

Since I have no voice I’m basically useless at the register, so my manager gave me the task of tackling the men’s jean wall. (Which by the way is a pain, but it was either do the jean wall or fix the IMX table (dress shirts) and my manager is too anal for me to even attempt that.)

Off to the jean wall I go. Now once I get a task I get very focused, and everyone knows in retail that when you start perfecting an area you legit have to guard it with your life. And when I say guard it, I mean it. Don’t move for anything, because once you move from that section that is even halfway decent customers will want to come in and jack it up. PERIOD!

The Mission

Now I will have to say that I had been working on the jean wall for about a hour and a half. I mean you could see from a mile away the areas that were touched from the areas that were untouched. As I’m there folding some more jeans to put in the wall, a guy comes over. I slowly move my stuff out of his way so he can shop.

The Conversation

Me: How are you doing today?

Customer: I’m ok, how are you?

Me: If I could actually talk, I’d be way better. Did you need help finding anything?

Customer: Yes, I need you to find me 33X30 pants.

Me: Ok, Let me see if we have any on the shelf.

As I’m looking through all the jeans I see nothing. So I have to go into the back and see if I can find his size.

Me: I don’t see any on here so let me check in the back for you real quick.

I go into the back and search through two boxes and FINALLY I found his size.

Me: Sir, I found a pair, here you go.

Customer: Thank you so much.

Look What Happens Next

So I hand the man the pair of jeans in the size he requested. I’m literally away from my jean wall a maximum of ten minutes. I just want you to guess how many pair of jeans was jacked up on my neatly folded jean wall?

I legit counted about 6 pairs of jeans. It’s like they all waited for me to leave my spot so they could bum rush my wall and jack it the hell up. Maybe you have, then again maybe you haven’t, but when an associate finishes a section that they were told to perfect, they notice even the slightest thing out of place.

The Epic Rant

As a customer I’m sure you can tell when you see a nicely folded wall. Then here and there you see where someone has came over pull a shirt or pants out the wall, open it up to either see the design or the size, ball it up and then stick it back in the wall. Now that just boils my blood. But you know what’s worst than that? It’s when the customer see’s you cleaning up a section, you ask them if they need anything they say no they found it, but then they ball up the item and stuff it back where they found it.

I’m to this day tryna figure out what is the deal with this whole patting situation. You pulled out a perfectly folded pants to then ball it back up shove it into the wall and then you pat it. What does patting the pants or the shirt supposed to do?? Make it magically fold back into the correct position in which you found it?!?!?

Customers really think they be doing something when they see us close. Or near a table that they decided to shop from. The ONLY time they want to seem like they are doing something right in the world is when they know they bout to mess something up. Do “us” a favor, mess it up and move on because you “trying” not to is taking to 🤬 long and we need to get back to cleaning.

Moral of the Story

If you ask for customer service really be in need of it. Don’t ask for help because you want to get rid of us to mess some 🤬 up. We’re retail associates we’re not dumb. If we go to the back to look for your item, come back and you are no where to be found but our section is jacked up we know exactly who did it and why. Just be considerate. Thanks!

Checkout Last Week Rant!

Retail Rants #18 – This Is Not Your House

Shop SHEIN for the latest in Fall and Winter Fashions


  • Krys

    The patting lets the associate know We really tried to fold it like you had it… I guess lol. It’s interesting seeing It from the associates point of view; I’m learning so much from these rants lol.

    • Designs by Vee

      Yaaasssss girl! I legit hope that’s why they pat them! Because I’m clueless! I’m glad I could share some of my knowledge with you 😘 Thank you for your continued support!

  • V3Artisans

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