Retail Rants

The Invisible Woman

Hey loves! It’s been a minute since my last Retail Rant! This new schedule of every other week has really helped me get my entire life together. Thank you to all who reached out wonder what the heck happened to last weeks rant. I mentioned my new blog schedule in my last income report. I briefly stated how my life has been CRAZY busy this spring so I needed to switch up some things and rant a little less. Now onto this week’s rant on The Invisible Woman.

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This week’s rant is about the invisible woman ie. ME. It definitely amazes me sometimes how disrespectful some people can be. I mean like blatantly disrespectful, and then have the nerve to want to complain about customer service. Let me give you a few examples of how my night went the other day, so you can chime in and advise me if you agree or am I just in my feelings.

Customer #1

Have you ever had a day at work where you LEGIT are just there to do a job and go home? Well today was one of those days. I REALLY was not in the mood to deal with multiple personalities. So I’m folding the mens jean wall which is in the back of the store. We have another associate and a manager working but I try to periodically check the registers to make sure we have no one waiting. So I look up fifthteen minutes after checking and saw a man leaning over the counter, so I walk up to the register.

The Conversation

Me: Are you ready to check out?

Customer: *Dead silence*

I walk around to the register.

Me: Sir, are you ready to checkout?

Customer: *Staring at his phone, still no answer*

Then as I proceed to walk away he says “No”.

The Epic Rant

I don’t know where the confusion came from with this customer. When I asked if he was ready to checkout that definitely came with a question mark and not a period. So when I ask you a 🤬🤬 question I’m gonna need a response. Not only did this man not want to answer me but he also acted as if I was legit the invisible woman.

Janie and Jack Sale on Now

Growing up I was always taught to do unto others and you would have them do unto you. So I’m starting to get the feeling that some of my customers were just not raised right period. Where did your parents go wrong with you? I had to not only walk away from that register to start cooling off. But I had to kindly express to the other ladies that when this dude decides that he is finally ready to checkout that it was in his best interest for one of them to check his 🤬🤬 out. I’d really hate to lose my job tonight.

Customer #2

So if that didn’t boil my blood enough, I had another run in with another disrespectful customer. I swear the devil was testing my patience that day. Like he legit wanted me to have a come to Jesus moment and hurt somebody.

I was at the register putting away some hangers and I decided to take them to the stockroom in the back. As I was walking away a customer came from the women’s side and without saying a word pointed to the register and walked right past me.

In My Entire Mind

I’m thinking to myself, self I know this 🤬 did not just point at this register and walk pass you. Legit my head was turned to the side in serious disbelief. So me being who I am, while NOT trying to get fired, I asked a legitimate question. “Excuse me, are you ready to checkout?” “Yeah.”

Now keep in mind I’m still boiling at this point. This woman was so disrespectful that I saw red while ringing her up. I did not ask her about her shopping experience, I did not put in her number for any points, I did not say anything else to this lady besides the total, and her ass was lucky I gave her that.

How the hell do you come into an establishment and act like I work for you? 🤬 you have completely lost your entire mind! Granted all she did was point but it was the way she did it, the body language I was given. Ladies and gentlemen I have told you this before but seriously, the way my mouth is set up, it was in her BEST interest if I said nothing, because hun-tey if I did, the lashing I would have gave her would’ve hurt her pride, to the core. I can be very petty when I want/need to be.


I also want to call out all those other customers that came in that day and decided they wanted to ignore my advances of greeting yo 🤬. I see Y-O-U. I to this day do not understand how you can blatantly ignore someone who is greeting you as you walk into the store. Ok, so you might be on the phone when you walk in, that’s fine. But for those of you who decided to look me in my face and keep on walking into the store, you bet not need help with N-O-T-H-I-N-G you hear me? You gon learn tuh-day! Disrespect will not be tolerated here.

On the weekend I legit count throughout the day how many customers ignore me when I welcome them into the store. So for those of you who shop in retail stores often, if you walk into a store and you don’t get greeted, blame it on the other 99,000 other customers before you, that decided to be rude. We are human people, after a while we will say 🤬 it. Sorry! 🤷‍♀️

Moral of the Story

Speak when spoken to, and most importantly act like you got some sense and be respectful to everyone! We are living in crazy times and the last thing we need is another obscene news report staring YOU.

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If you enjoyed this rant and want to read more like it please check out some of my recent rants! Thanks for all the love, support, advice and also opinions. They are always appreciated.

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